Writing an eBook to use on your website may not be something you have considered, however it can result in quite a boost to your website rankings if done properly. EBooks—for electronic books—are becoming increasingly popular. In the same way that offering an informative white paper about a particular legal subject or sending out a weekly or monthly newsletter which gives readers useful, free information, writing a short eBook can be a great service to your clients, giving them information they might not otherwise be able to find as well as creating trust in your visitors. Think about your particular niche and brainstorm an issue that you feel many people could benefit from hearing about. Offering a free eBook can mean it will eventually land in the hands of thousands of people, and gives you and your firm credibility. All you really need to do is say a few things really well and leave your readers feeling as though they received something of value simply by visiting your website.
Establish Your Expertise and Build Credibility
Putting out a free eBook for your clients and prospective clients can go a long way toward establishing your expertise and building your brand so long as you are able to clearly communicate your particular skills and knowledge with credibility and competency. In the end those prospects who were “fence sitting” will be much more likely to hire you or recommend you to a friend after reading your eBook. Don’t let yourself get totally stressed out about writing an eBook. Think of it as a long blog, and remember that it doesn’t have to rival the Great American Novel. Outline the information you want to impart, write it out in a straightforward manner, throw in a little humor to keep your audience engaged, and be concise. So long as your eBook is useful, then you have increased traffic to your website and eventual conversions.
Building SEO Through Your eBook
Another good reason to write an eBook and give it away on your legal website is to grow your list of prospective clients and their contact information. It can be helpful to build a dedicated landing page on your site which will give your readers the opportunity to exchange their name and email in return for your free eBook download. Always include your website’s URL in your eBook so it leads your visitors right back to your website. In the end, using a short eBook together with your legal blog can give your website’s SEO rankings a huge boost. In fact, you might release small segments of your eBook on your blog to “tease” people into downloading the entire book. Share those individual blog posts along with links to your complete eBook on every single social media profile you are engaged with and you will soon see your eBook turn into a powerful marketing tool.
If you feel writing an eBook is beyond your capabilities or time constraints, consider calling (800) 877-2776 for your free consultation from an expert law firm Internet marketing professional. You will receive valuable advice and strategies from highly experienced writers with a law degree—never a sales representative.