How to Market Your Law Firm Blog

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Writing content for your blog is only part of the process nowadays. Marketing your blog content is another phase altogether. You could have the best content on the web, but if the visibility of your blog remains low, then all the quality in the world is for naught.

There are ways to strategize your blog for success. Every time you publish a blog post, the intent is to bring your message to the masses. That is done partly with the help of social media and the sharing of your content. But there are other ways that you can step to the forefront and make sure your content is seen by a vast number of readers.

Posting Frequency

Not only are general readers part of your target audience, but so are your fellow bloggers. Linking other sites in your blog posts is a good way to increase page views. Other bloggers have that thought in mind as well. If you can produce content worth linking, there is a chance other blogs can help boost your number of visitors.

This can be done by enlisting the aid of bloggers who do not even know you. So how does it happen? Let’s say you publish a blog post on a certain subject and someone retweets it. Another blogger, who has never even heard of you, sees that retweet. But that blogger also sees two other tweets about similar topics from more familiar writers. That blogger will be more likely to link a content from one of those familiar writers instead of you.

The trick is to become a familiar writer.

There is no deep-rooted secret on how to do that. It is rather simple. Keep posting with a high frequency level. Sooner or later, other bloggers will start to recognize your posts and become familiar with you. Eventually, they will start to read your posts and that’s when they will begin to link your posts. It all comes with consistency. If you can create a presence, your name will start to become very familiar. High frequency posting is the key.

Social Media

Social media can be a blogger’s best friend. Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn can all prove very valuable. Not only is posting and tweeting your own content valuable, but so is tweeting and posting the content of others. By developing online relationships with fellow bloggers, you will be able to increase your presence. That may take time, perhaps 30 minutes a day. But be patient because those relationships will not happen overnight. They too come with consistency.

Optimize for searches

The term SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become popularized in recent years. Keywords are an important part of generating hits as is the title of your headline. You want a title that has a high chance of getting frequently clicked and shared. That has a direct effect on its search engine results ranking. It is recommended to keep headlines under 65 characters to keep from getting them shortened in search engine results. Search engines also identify the keywords in a page’s URL. If you have the capacity to edit your URL’s structure, it would go a long way in enhancing your SEO benefits.

Appropriate Tagging

Tagging words in your blog posts can provide results when done in moderation. Many people do not realize that tags on their own do not lead to improved SEO ratings. When one content piece relates to another, that is when an SEO ranking is boosted. Prioritize your tags so they are not overused. Too many tags can be construed as duplicate content and result in your blog being penalized.

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