Google’s New Algorithm Panda 4.0 Release May 2014

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Google has just rolled out its latest search engine algorithm named Panda 4.0.

Is your law firm ready?

This latest search engine algorithm is not much of a surprise to our expert law firm internet marketing experts as quality content has always been the cornerstone of a successful search marketing campaign. Panda 4.0 is designed to clean up Google’s search results by removing or depressing the rankings of websites that present low quality content.

Some experts consider this update to lay the foundation of future algorithm updates.  Panda 4.0 is considered a major update and most experts agree that this algorithm actually changes how Google’s search engine identifies quality content and site value. In other words, you must watch your grammar and provide authoritative content. Content for content’s sake is out. You must be a real thought leader in your geographical and practice area(s).

So you should immediately stop buying your $5 articles for and turn to quality legal copywriters. The cost for a quality piece of content is about $60-80 per 600 word article. Right now we are recommending at least 600 words per page.

We predict Google will eventually weed out articles that offer less than 500 words per page. This has already begun with Panda 4.0 as low content rich websites such as, Ebay,  and related websites and directories are losing as much as 50% of their traffic from Google.

Not sure where to turn for content such as blog articles or web copy?  

A great source for “attorney written” web copy is Their website ranks #1 out of 2.2 BILLION pages for the phrase “Legal Content.” Obviously they know what they are doing. Their pricing is reasonable considering they offer the highest quality content available.

For questions or comments, call 1-800-877-2776 for your free consultation with an expert, not a sales rep.